Tips for Writing Christian Dramas, Skits and Plays


Some tips on writing Christian Dramas.


  • Research. If doing a script about a Bible story, it's very easy to think we know the story, but often there are myths and variations in the casual re-telling of well known Bible stories. Make sure you go back to the Bible and get a refresher on exactly what is written. To some degree minor facts being wrong won't matter, especially considering you're probably creating an imagined set of actions and dialogue, but in getting facts right you not only help teach the actual story, but the scholars in the room will be less distracted without seeing common misconceptions shared. So, while the overall message is the most important part of your script, getting key facts rights is what can take your script to a higher level.
  • When you have several cast members on stage at once and have a series of  dialogue lines to go back and forth with in conversation, it may flow better when you limit blocks of back and forward conversation exchanges to two people, rather than having many people involved in the conversation jumping in with their one line - it's harder to remember when to come in with their line. 
  • It can be fun to occasionally have everyone pipe in with a line one after the other, starting logically and getting more ridiculous or end on with eh final comment being majorly unexpected for a laugh.
    CAPTAIN: Someone is going to have to go out of the submarine and clear the propeller for us.
    COOK: Can’t be me, I’ve got some pancakes cooking.
    CLEANER: Can’t be me, I have to clean up after the pancakes.
    MECHANIC: Can’t be me, I’m eating pancakes
    NAVIGATOR: Can’t be me, I’m allergic to pancakes.
  • You could occasionally break the fourth wall for effect. "The fourth wall is the implied plane that marks the “edge” of the onstage action. Actors break the fourth wall by acknowledging the existence of the audience."
    eg when it's apparent something funny or naughty is about to happen, and the actor knows and will make it happen, they can turn and grin mischievously to the audience, with a double eyebrow rise, before moving into the action.
  • Include the occasional cultural reference (TV movies commercials) as long as they are not too distracting. Also include the occasional local reference, about someone in your church, for a giggle - but do so with respect and thoughtfully.
  • Include a layer for kids, and also a layer for adults to muse on, a layer on the topic.


All items on this site are written by Scott Wegener, a multi award-winning Australian creative writer, specialising in fun Christian dramas and articles. He believes in looking on the lighter side of life while still valuing the eternal seriousness of life's decisions. This site is essentially a place Scott stores his works, sometimes without much copy-editing (do forgive any spelling/grammar creativity you spot on this site that comes free of charge due to his slight dyslexia).