You're Invaluable ['You're in' skit series part 2]

Performance: (postponed) Castle Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church Online service - June 13, 2020

Guide 1 and Lost 3 fluently speak a mutual language other than English, labeled as Spanish in this script.

Spanish parts can optionally be subtitled for the audience


[The two Guides stand waiting, then Lost 1 enters and approaches Guide 1 while holding a map, looking confused]

Lost 1: Hello, can you help me find the way?

Guide 1: [Spanish] What? I can’t understand you.

Lost 1: Can you help me?

Guide 1: [Spanish] Sorry, I don’t’ know what you are saying.

Guide 2:  Hi there, do you need help?

Lost 1: Oh wonderful, yes, can you help me find the way?

Guide 2: Sure, I know the way. Go down there and you will find what you’re looking for.

Lost 1: Thank you so much! I’m so glad you could help me.

Guide 2: No problem.

Guide 1: [Spanish] Goodbye, sorry I cannot help you.


[Lost 2 enters with a map and approaches Guide 1]

Lost 2: Hello, I cannot find the way, can you help me?

Guide 1: [Spanish] What? I can’t understand you.

Lost 1: Can you help me?

Guide 1: [Spanish] Sorry, I don’t’ know what you are saying.

Guide 2:  Hi there, do you need help?

Lost 1: Oh, yes please, I’m lost, can you help me find the way?

Guide 2: Sure, I can help you. It’s kind of tricky, follow me and I’ll help you find the way.

Lost 1: Thank you so much! I’m so glad you could help me.

Guide 2: No problem, so glad I could be here to help you.

(Guide 2 and Lost 2 leave)

Guide 1: [Spanish] Goodbye, sorry I cannot help you.


Guide 1 is discouraged by now, standing alone. Lost 3 enters with map and approaches Guide 1  

Lost 3: [tries speaking in broken English] Hello, help find way?

Guide 1: [Spanish] I can’t understand you. I am of no use to you. You need to find someone else. I am sorry.

Lost 3: [Spanish] You speak ‘Spanish’??!!

Guide 1: [Spanish] What?? Yes, Yes, I speak [Spanish].

Lost 3:  [Spanish] Oh, great, great! I have been looking everywhere and NOBODY could help me. You are the only one! I’m lost, please help me find the way?

Guide 1: [Spanish] Sure, I can help you find the way. It’s kind of tricky, let me take you there.

Lost 3: [Spanish] Thank you so much! I’m so glad you can help me. I’d be forever lost without you.

Guide 1: [chuffed at feeling useful] [Spanish] I’m so glad I can help.


All items on this site are written by Scott Wegener, a multi award-winning Australian creative writer, specialising in fun Christian dramas and articles. He believes in looking on the lighter side of life while still valuing the eternal seriousness of life's decisions. This site is essentially a place Scott stores his works, sometimes without much copy-editing (do forgive any spelling/grammar creativity you spot on this site that comes free of charge due to his slight dyslexia).